Monday, November 14, 2016


The Timberwolves have fallen.  Only the Hornets and Kings remain undefeated. A lot to cover this week, so let's get to it. It's Garbage Time baayyyyybeeeeeeeeeee.

Hit my music.

I imagine Matt must know what it feels like to be the Cubs, because after 108 years, he finally won! With Matt's win, and Joey's loss, we no longer have three undefeated teams and three win-less teams, so congrats guys, we beat the Illuminati. I guess this means Half-Life 3 is never coming out after all. Next week get's even more interesting, with BOTH of our 0-3's facing winnable match ups against the Raptors and Blazers. And if everyone remembers correctly, it was about this time last year that Miami went on a tear, so Bradley might have his hands full this week. Moving on to the undefeated squads. Charlotte eek'd out another close one, while my Kings rolled. The Hornets get a breather in week 4 against a Rockets squad that have struggled to find footing ever since their week one win. On the flip side, my Kings will be handed their toughest test to date in the T-Wolves since I always lose to Joey in Fantasy basketball, but hey, I beat him in Football this week, which is nice. But enough! No more babbling, let's get to the Garbage Time week 3 awards. Quick side note, I wish this was a more physical 'in person' league, if it was, I'd totally get someone an end of the year award for most fails or most blowouts or something. The award would be 'The Golden Trashcan' and it would be... GLORIOUS.


I'll gladly admit I was wrong.  Like many LeBron James detractors, I criticized the Spurs for not being cutthroat enough, and while they weren't, and this game came down to the wire, they did enough to get the job done. And in the end, that's all that matters. Getting the W. It will remain to be seen if the Timberwolves feel they left points on the table, finishing the week with three acquisitions left, and losing by a mere 17.  That has to be sobering. 

This was one of the closest contests we've ever had, and between two perennial contenders at that. The T-Wolves even won the week split four nights to three. But Andrew Wiggins and Draymond Green weren't having it, I mean if both of them posted their season average, Joey, not Heath would have won, hell, if only Andrew Wiggins posted his season average, the Timberwolves would be 3-0 and the Spurs would be in desperation mode. The entire narrative would change. 

This game showed a chink in the Timberwolves armor.  All week Joey outwardly stated that he would lose.  Maybe that attitude in and of itself caused his loss. Maybe he was showing false humility and giving his opponent a nod in good sportsmanship. Maybe he truly believed he would lose. Maybe belief was in fact the cause of his loss. I learned this a long time ago. If you ever go into a game thinking you'll lose, you've already lost.  Maybe that's digging too deep. Maybe it's just fantasy basketball, and random anomalies occur. Maybe. 

The Timberwolves are looking for a bounce-back spot in week 4 against the undefeated Sacramento Kings, while the Spurs have a match-up with Lillard/Butler led Bulls.  



Something's rotten in the city of Boston.  With only 2696 fantasy points scored on the season, the Boston Celtics are in dead last in fantasy production so far this year. In fact, there is more than 1300 points in difference between the last place Celtics, and first place. That's an entire week's score! And not even a shitty score, like a legit total.  

I don't know the extent that Sam keeps up with his team. I've seen him pick up people, as well as forget to start people. So I know he does pay attention, at least somewhat.  But this week, getting handed his 3rd loss in as many weeks, in a blowout no less, should serve as a wake-up call, or so I hope. We have a long year of basketball ahead of us, and hopefully he can right the ship, he has the ability to make some moves, he just has to make them

I'm going to be blunt, even with the absolutely stellar play from DeMar DeRozan so far this season, the Celtics just don't have the talent to win a lot of games, and it's not entirely his fault. His teams legs were cut out from under him with Golden State's acquisition of KD killing Klay Thompson's usage, as well as the move of Victor Oladipo to OKC killing his usage now that he plays alongside Russ. Not to mention LMA has never really regained his production since moving to San Antonio. 

On the brightside, the Celtics have some bright spots in breakout candidate Devin Booker , and Julius Randle. It's definitely a rebuild year, and he, like the real Celtics, are in need of a real star to build around. Like in the case of the real NBA, I would recommend maybe trying to go younger and find teams willing to take on Klay, LMA, and Oladipo at a slight discount and try to get back upside, although I think you can hold on Klay, his shooting slump will turn around at some point. Regardless, the truth still remains, they HAVE to do SOMETHING, and I really hope they will.

As for this game, the Kings swept all seven nights and won by a total of 330.5. The Kings move to 3-0 on the year and face a tough match-up in a hungry Timberwolves squad. I think it's this week that my lack of depth at small forward bites me in the face, I've made some bad acquisitions and drops *cough Dennis Schroder, for the sake of winning games I was already winning. feelsbadman.gif It's really terrible that no trades ever seem beneficial to both sides(I'm working on a solution you can read about at the end of this article!). Heath and I had a back and forth for a while but couldn't reach an agreement so talks just broke down.  Anyways, I'll try to keep it together in week 4, while Boston will look to take a shot against a Portland team that had it's first taste of victory in week 3.


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We had two scores over 300 this week, but the bomb goes to the Chicago Bulls who had a November 9th total of 320.5 against the Houston Rockets. With Jimmy Butler being his highest scorer of the night with 65.5, Kris had 4 other players top 40 points on the night.

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Good news everyone! No one posted a goose egg this week! That's FAN-FUCKIN-TASTIC. The Rockets have the dud this week only managing a paltry 66 points from 3 player's on Sunday's slate.


Honestly, trading is one of the best parts of fantasy, but we haven't been trading. And I think it's because people, and I'm just as guilty as anyone, either undervalue other peoples players, or overvalue their own, or both. So it's for this reason I am going to work to create a Google docs spreadsheet for our league, it will contain all NBA players, it will be sortable, and it will be sorted by tiers. Tier S, then Tier 1-A, tier 1, tier 2-a, tier 2, and tier 3. This should help give actual value to your players, and garner more understanding, I am even going to highlight upside players that have potential of going up to higher tiers. This is going to be a process so it may take a week or so to get it up, but I will post a link when it does.


One thing's for sure, next week is going to be interesting...Stay tuned!


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