Monday, November 21, 2016

Week 4 and What Just Happened

No undefeated's remain, while Miami remains as the lone win-less team.

Week four guys...Just damn...So many close games...(and this is for Logan, but can I just say one minute and twenty-five seconds? Fucking REALLY!?) Between that, AJ Green tearing his hamstring, Casey Neistat ending his vlog, and just the emotional roller coaster that was following the final few minutes of last nights games all while watching my week four total slowly creep up only to fall short. I'm just drained this morning, I can only handle so much disappointment, but time drudges on and so must I, I only offer this disclaimer, this may seem, at times to be a bad beat article, it's not, it has a point, bare with me, I think you'll be glad you did, let's do this thing. 


Some losses just hurt more than others. Maybe it's frustration from waking up at 12:30 and not being able to add a player when I had one claim remaining...maybe it's all the injuries my team has and the not having the IR available to hold them...maybe it's my team getting my hopes up, and the only thing that could save me, overtime, happening, before being taken away, in this instance.                               

Maybe, it's because, when it comes to basketball, I always lose to Joey. Last year's finals, last year regular season, finals the year before that, and the finals the year before that. I had essentially accepted that it was going to happen again, but my team decided to keep me hopelessly optimistic and when the above happened, I saw 102-102 on my phone with no time remaining.

I was down seven points, I have Boogie in play, and Rondo, and Robin Lopez, I have a chance. Then nope...clock malfunction apparently, I see two things happen, score changes to 102-99, and Boogie loses 2 points. Down by nine. Three minutes left in the Bulls-Lakers game. Lopez is not in the game, Rondo is, he get's an assist, then a rebound, then another rebound, I'm within 5. Swaggy P hits a 3, to make the game 110-112. Forty-five seconds remaining. It could happen...This game could go to OT. Only problem. My phone said it as 110-112, says bad pass, Taj Gibson turnover, I get optimistic again, it's going to happen. As if my team was willing this overtime into existence. But it wouldn't happen, the score, for whatever reason didn't update, it was actually 110-115. Game ends 110-118. My night ends. Down five.

It's like a cosmic joke, they dangled a carrot in my face then took it away...This all leads to a bunch of hypothetical's and what-if's that I'm sure all of you undergo weekly. What if I woke up an hour earlier? Had an extra player? Surely they would have won me the game, actually yes, I was planning on adding Luol Deng in the revenge spot, he didn't do great, but 15 points would have done it. But that's fantasy. See I could have added him, just as Boogie could have had a decent game, I mean it was against Jonas after all, everyone goes off on Jonas. But instead, Jonas went the fuck off, in what was another twist of the knife, Jonas had a Boogie-like score, while Boogie had a Jonas-like score. That Raptors-Kings overtime could have happened as well.

But it didn't. Timberwolves win it, fair and square, both teams move to 3-1.

It's the best of what I love and hate about fantasy. So many things can go wrong, or right, and yet it elicits real emotion. Anything can happen, it was a fucking roller coaster, and I come out the other side emotionally drained, not because I'm mad, or upset... Disappointed, sure, but no, I emerge from this week drained because I fucking love it. It's why I write this article every week, and play season after season. It's for games like these.

In the end I can only elicit one response to Joey, my friend, who has been my rival these past seasons, and that is this...Good Game.


What happened to the Heat guys? They pulled a Carolina Panthers this year, going from a contender and favorite before the season to just being, as Charles Barkley would say, turrible. If you told me before the season started, that the team that has Westbrook would be win-less through week 4,  I would have laughed. But here we are.

I don't even know if Travis is trying, 1/7 acquisitions used? Gonna try to convince me E'Twaun Moore and J.R. Smith are too valuable to drop? You're gonna lose that argument bruh. 

1307-756, that's just embarrassing. Not saying the Heat could have won, 1300 is a lot, but you could have tried.  Good on Bradley though, that's back-to-back 1300 point games heading into week 5 against a Trail Blazers team that's determined to usurp the Heat for the bottom of the standings. The Heat, meanwhile, get a match-up with the newly cemented 2-win Houston Rockets.


Image result for it's all ogre now

The Rocket's have won two games, it's all ogre now, might as well pack it in for the season. In what can only be described as an absolute shocker, Beau's Houston Rocket's toppled the undefeated Charlotte Hornets four of the seven nights to win with a final score of 1413.5-1327.5, all on the back of the Fantasy player of the week, Hassan Whiteside's, who's rocketing up the player rankings (pun definitely intended) as well, with a good showing of 233 fantasy points, an average of 58.25 per game. Week 5 will see the Rocket's try to extend their winning streak to 2 against the abysmal Miami Heat, while the Hornet's get a much tougher match-up against the 2-2 Spurs. 


A couple 290's but no one topped 300, and since that is a requirement, no one gets the nod.  We're all terrible.

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With the Sunday night goose egg. I really hope this award goes unearned one week, I really do.

That does it for this week's Garbage Time, a lot of interesting match-up's happening this week that can really shake up the standings, the great thing is, it's still anyone's game, even the Heat's. We're off to a great start to the 2016-2017 season, let's keep this train rolling. Until next time...

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