Monday, December 5, 2016

Week 5&6 Wrap Up

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After the Holiday weekend and getting a little much needed R&R, it's time to get back to the grind. But seeing as I have two weeks to cover, I thought I'd shake it up a bit, so instead of two of each award, one for each week, I'm going to add some awards and stretch them to cover both weeks. So without further ado, welcome to this week's special 2-week edition of Garbage Time!

A Contender falls...

It's been a rough couple weeks for Kris and the Bulls. Kid can't catch a break. The Bulls went into last week as one of four teams with a 3-1 record, faces my Kings, I go off on a short week, posting three 300 point games, then proceeds to get blown out by the 'self-proclaimed worst team' Portland Trailblazers. #feelsbadman. The Bulls managed to go from a .750 win percentage to .500 in two weeks is rough, and his road to redemption isn't getting any easier in week seven.  

Meanwhile, in other league news, Joey traded LeBron to the Celtics, whom Sam subsequently tried to give away for peanuts. Oh, and Miami finally won a game! It's still amazing to me that I'm just now saying that in week seven, when before the season started, the Heat were viewed as a contender, but instead their seasons kind of mirroring the Carolina Panthers. 

Now that we've caught up a bit, let's get down to it. Who's been the best? Who's been the worst? Who's posted point totals that would shame their mothers? It's that time again, it's Garbage Time!


Numbers don't lie.  My Kings are looking pretty good lately. Boogie's balling out with a broken finger on his shooting hand, thus making him the only player in the NBA currently capable of playing through an injury. And while he may not put up Russell Westbrook numbers, he did ample in delivering me, not only to first place in total points scored overall, but the top total score in both week five and six, and contributed to four 300 point nights, putting the Chicago Bulls on a 2-game skid, and spoiling the Rocket's first 300 point night of the season in a week Joey and I both thought we were both destined to lose. But turns out Destiny is a fickle bitch and we both spoke too soon.


The Celtics continued their year of continued all-around awfulness posting the lowest overall 2-week total, in route to two losses to take their overall record to 1-5. It wasn't for a lack of trying though, as Sam made the first blockbuster trade of the season, moving DeMar DeRozan, and acquiring LeBron James from the Minnesota Timberwolves. I mean it's two seasons in a row, and Joey has made two trades involving LeBron James in which both teams that weren't the Timberwolves began horrible losing streaks. Not saying there's a connection, but you know, just sayin'.


This was a tough one to decide, My first instinct told me to pick the week five match between the Spurs and Hornets. Good game, between two contenders, that came down to a last-ditch effort by the Hornets falling short. Great story, I had even written up an entire paragraph already, but as I poured over the numbers to look for drama, what I saw wasn't the back-and-forth slobber-knocker the end result represented. Instead, I saw a week where the Hornets never actually had a lead, had unused acquisitions, and where the Spurs had actually used 0 acquisitions, so he essentially won with no effort.  So here is the actual MotW winner.

This game was ridiculous, the runner-up for this was Minnesota vs. Miami, but there was one subtle difference. The number of lead changes.  While Minnesota, ironically, also took over control of the game on 12/2 with a 300 point night as the Kings did. The Kings started the week with the lead before ceding nights two and three and landing in a 117 point deficit on the back of Beau's first 300 point night. Things looked bleak until December 2nd when I posted my own 300 point night and seized the lead for the 2nd time and denied Beau's wish to hold a win over my head for the rest of time. So all I have to say is, SUCK IT BEAU, I WIN!
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The Heat's quest for a 2nd win seemed all but assured through the first four nights of the week until Joey decided to show he was actually Dwight Howard playing basketball with a child all along and do this.
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A 302 point night five ripped victory from the jaws of defeat and pushed the Timberwolves to 5-1 through six weeks.


Remember, remember the (twenty)fifth of November. Or at least, that's what I would be saying if Logan wasn't an absolute madman and decided to go off for 337 points on November 30th.  Only two, TWO, of his players had LESS THAN 40! Completely ridiculous. Well played, sir.

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No one's getting this award, but instead Thanksgiving itself is. Because there was no basketball, and when there is no basketball, it is a sad day.

That's all folks! Week seven has a chance to cause a lot of upsets, so we shall see what's in store. I can't wait

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