Monday, December 12, 2016


I always find the best part of the fantasy football playoffs lately to be that I get to just coast and finally give all of my attention to the NBA season.  Joey touched on this in the dynasty football league that we are a part of, but fantasy football is a fucking crapshoot. It's so bloody random. And he's 100% correct. 

Basketball has no such problems. Sure, guys can have bad nights, but you generally know what you're getting with each game, the avg fppg statistic actually means something. Having a full 7 nights also gives you chance after chance after chance to pull out a win, and not just lose because your best player decided to shit a brick one night. 

Basketball is more of a time investment than football, but that investment actually pays dividends most of the time. The research you do, the numbers you run, they all mean something. There is no world that exists where your #1 draft pick in fantasy basketball doesn't finish around the same position you drafted him in barring sweeping changes to their situation. The only player that I could really label a complete bomb relative to their draft position is LaMarcus Aldridge. But in football? your lucky if your 1st pick finishes in the top 10 at their position let alone overall. Case in point? For my work league, which is 12-team PPR, the 2nd pick of our draft? Todd Gurley. Sad life for that guy. But for the NBA? If we go back to our draft from last year, the top 10 is virtually the same as it would be this year, were we to redraft, the only difference would be the ascension of Whiteside and Giannis knocking Dame, CP3, or Kawhi to the 2nd round.

TL;DR: Fantasy Basketball is so much better than football. 

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, let's talk shop. This week pretty much kept the status quo. The only upset was the Celtics eeking one out against the Raptors. Could this be the start of a turn around? Just remember:

Without further ado, on with the show! It's Garbage Time bayyyyybeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Logan did to Kris, what Sam Dekkar did to Enes Kanter. He straight embarrassed him.  If you need visual representation, here's exhibit A.

You wouldn't know it by the end result, but Kris actually won two nights. But he also neglected to set his lineup multiple nights as well, leading to a complete humiliation to the tune of 500 points. This makes three losses in a row for the Bulls, and two wins in a row for the Hornets. The Bulls face a Raptors squad reeling from a Celtics loss this week, while the Hornets will try to increase their lead in Eastern Conference against a top-ranked Kings squad that have won their last three contests.


If the past two weeks have taught me anything, it's that I now believe that Sam and his Celtics actually do give a shit and are committed to this league and to turning around their team. The Celtics desperately needed this win, and they got it. And from the looks of it, the Rockets, Blazers, and Heat could take some notes, because this could mark the beginning of a winning streak for the C's and fantasy player of the week LeBron James, who's looking like the winning side of that blockbuster deal with the Minnesota Timberwolves. Boston took the week four nights to three including a 300 burger night one over the Raptors who have now lost in back to back weeks. The Raptors will fight to move up the standings while hoping the Bulls forget to set their lineups again in week eight. While Boston draws a very winnable match-up against the still floundering Miami Heat who are now 1-6 after a blowout loss to the Spurs in week seven.


The C's were the only squad to post a 300+ point night this week.  They hit 313.5 on night one on the back of Klay Thompson's absurd 60-real point night in 29 minutes against the Indiana Pacers.

That will do it for this week's Garbage Time. Next week will see the results of two potential upsets with the Trail Blazers taking on the Timberwolves, and the Rockets taking on the Spurs.  Meanwhile, a game of the week candidate in the making with Charlotte vs. Sacramento. Until next time!

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