Monday, November 13, 2017

Week 4 Wrap-Up

The Rockets win, the Blazers and Hornets fall, and Joey is .500 for the first time in his career. What a fuckin' week.

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STF after week 4

The league is in kind of a shitstorm. Apparently the only teams who's points scored reflects their record are the Minnesota Timberwolves (5th), the Knicks (9th), and the Chicago Hader-Vaneks Bulls (10th). This is probably the first, and last time those two teams share any categorical stat with Joey.

In the Eastern Conference, It's a tale of two teams, and in the latest chapter, Toronto has claimed the throne. Bradley sits alone at 4-0 with a horseshoe planted firmly up his ass with the least points scored against in the league(same as last week), while only bolstering the 4th most points scored(5th last week, so he is trending up).  Call me biased, but hopefully his streak comes to an end this week 

Meanwhile, in the much more competitive West, the Trail Blazers have a half a game on my Pelicans for the top spot, with the Spurs and Timberwolves tied for 3rd. San Antonio has done some amazing roster maneuvering lately and stands to be a real threat unless he's painted himself into a corner of having too many good players and limiting his weekly drop/add options. The season's still young, and as it stands now, it's anybody's game. Not even the Rockets are out of contention.

Now without further ado...

Shitshow of the Week

In this week's episode of 'which team can manage to be worse than the other', Miami decided it's not gonna take it anymore! He saw the ridicule-filled doldrums for which he was headed and said 'No more!' Although the Bulls managed to win 2 nights, Travis' Heat thrashed the Bulls 1257-900.5 in a mostly one-sided contest. Now, it says the Bulls used all 7 of their match-up acquisitions, which makes the fact that Kris is obviously trying all the more sad. "Hey Kris, you're supposed to use your acquisitions on night's when you don't have players." XD Looking ahead to week 5, the Heat get a very winnable match-up against some stale pizza. Meanwhile the end of the tunnel still isn't within sight, as the Bulls drew the short straw and face what is very possibly a pissed off Hornets squad that is seeking redemption following their first loss of the season.

Blowout of the Week

While technically the Heat had the biggest blowout win of the week, I'll be damned if I give this award to the two special needs kids playing tee-ball.  Instead, this match-up gets this award.  While, personally, based on my regular season record against Joey, I'd call this an upset, but truth be told, when either of us wins, it never really is. The upset of this game, in my opinion, was that it didn't come down to the last night, and wasn't the game of the week that I had predicted it would be. I don't know if it was an off-week for the Wolves or what, but what started as a week of elation for me turned to indifference by week's end.

Image result for david tennant crying gifJoey will even probably agree with me when I say the 1267-1091.5 score didn't really feel as close as the numbers show. My Pelicans held the lead all seven nights and won handily on the back of my son's 155 fantasy points. I know our teams aren't the same as in years past, but after day three this just felt...different.  I'm not saying it's the end but after three years, maybe our storied rivalry has run it's course. However, my goals did not begin and end with the Timberwolves, I'm still determined to claim the throne, this was merely step one. "The King is dead, long live the King." Next up: The Raptors. 

Upset of the Week       

The Spurs ain't playin' around. Their deal for Stephen Curry immediately paid dividends as the Spurs felled the previously undefeated Trail Blazers in a close game.  I suppose Heath was tired of getting lost in the shuffle as an 'also-ran' and used this game to prove he's a threat to be reckoned with. Despite an absolutely bonkers week from James Harden, Matt's Blazers just couldn't get the job done against the underdog Spurs, and suffered his first defeat of the season with a score of 1134-1059 in a game of the week candidate. Looking ahead to week 5, the Spurs are going to look to keep the ball rolling against the Rockets, while the Blazers are going to be in for a fight against the Minnesota Timberwolves that are on a 2 loss skid.

Game of the Week

All eyes were on this game, as the winner would likely be claiming first place in the standings going into week 5. The 3-0 Raptors, whom people had considered 'overrated', faced the 3-0 Hornets, whom many had already crowned as the 'best team' in the league. You expect games like this to go down to the wire, and all-in-all, it did, until limited position options forced Logan to leave 44.5 points on the bench on the 10th, and his team just straight let him down on the 11th.  What should have been an easy 300 point night, instead resulted in disappointing performances from Mike Conley, Jrue Holiday,  LeBron James, and Nikola Vucevic. Mike Conley, in particular has been a disappointment for the Hornets, and might find himself being shipped out of Charlotte sooner, rather than later.  Toronto, on the other hand, ignored all the negativity surrounding him and showed LeBron isn't the only one deserving of the title 'King'. Sitting undefeated, it's pretty easy to block out the noise of all the haters, especially if you believe your own hype, and it's apparent that Bradley does. He's in rare air now, and all alone atop the mountain.  It begs the question, "Can anyone stop him?"  He takes on the Pelicans next week, and having won 3 straight, I believe I have a chance to put the first chink in his armor.  The Hornets, on the other hand face the Chicago Bulls  have a bye.

That's all for this week, if anyone has any feedback, or suggestions on awards you would like to be featured, I can add/replace or whatever, just let me know in the Facebook comments, I do this for you guys, so anything I can do to make it more entertaining, lmk.

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